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Current situation and prospect of the domestic market of special ceramics

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2023/6/8 16:29:25 Hits:282
Special ceramics is one of the key areas of China's high-tech industry. China's electronic information, automobile, chemical, building materials, light industry and national defense construction have a huge demand for special ceramics, and the market prospect is very broad. It is estimated that in 2010, China's special ceramics industry will achieve an output value of 30 billion yuan, and China will pay more attention to the practical application development and market cultivation of special ceramics in the future, and pay attention to the organic combination of high performance and low cost.
According to different properties, special ceramics can be divided into structural ceramics and functional ceramics, structural ceramics, also known as engineering ceramics, is the main use of ceramic strength, stiffness, willfulness, wear resistance, hardness, fatigue strength and other mechanical properties of ceramic materials, the main types are high-strength ceramics, (ultra) high temperature ceramics, (ultra) low temperature ceramics, high toughness ceramics, super hard ceramics and nano ceramic lamps. Functional ceramics are mainly the use of ceramics electrical, magnetic, light, sound, heat, lamp performance and its coupling effect of ceramic materials, the main types are electronic ceramics, sensitive ceramics, optical ceramics, bioceramics, magnetic ceramics and superconducting ceramics, etc., about 60% of functional ceramics are electronic ceramics, it includes ferroelectric ceramics, piezoelectric ceramics, semiconductor ceramics, dielectric ceramics.
China attaches great importance to the development and application of special ceramics, early start, large investment, involving many parts, in the type of special ceramics, China almost all special ceramic materials are research, development and production, has formed a relatively complete research and development system. In recent years, China has taken special pottery as a focus of the development of high-tech industry, only during the "Seventh Five-Year Plan" and "Eighth Five-Year Plan" period China invested 100 million yuan in the development of special pottery, of which the research funds for automotive ceramic engines reached 30 million yuan.
China's special pottery was started in the 50-70s of the 20th century to support the "two bombs and one satellite", mainly for nuclear testing and aerospace supporting the development of high temperature, ablation resistant special ceramic materials, idle application focus has shifted to civilian mainly. The market demand for special ceramics in China is huge, which provides great opportunities for the development of special ceramics industry.

At present, China's special pottery industry is concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other coastal cities and regions. Wuhan and other urban areas in central China, southwest, northwest and other remote areas are dominated by former military meritorious third-tier enterprises, and electronic ceramics are mostly concentrated in Beijing and Guangdong. Fujian and the Yangtze River Delta, etc.

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Next:About the distinction between industrial ceramics and household ceramics
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